VR-Style Convention Nameplate

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Let the entire convention know who they're looking at!

    A big overhead VRChat nametag to display proudly over your head!

    Choose whatever text, font, and image you'd like

      • By default, badges come with the Dosis font
      • Intricate fonts like cursive probably won't be printable! I will reach out if your desired font isn't feasible

        Set a status message!

        • Enter a short status message to be displayed below your name
        • Choose whether you're on blue, green, orange, or red
        • Purchase additional status messages as well if you'd like
        • You can also download the project files and make more yourself


              Badges are mostly heat resistant, but you should still avoid leaving them in a hot car!

              By default, each badge is printed in metallic blue ABS and glowing yellow/blue PLA.

                • Please contact me (info below) if you'd like to discuss using different colors
                • This link shows my current stock of filament types and colors

                  I will not fulfill orders with text or images depicting any racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or otherwise offensive content

                    Contact Info:

                    If you have any questions, feel free to reach out:

                        • Discord (@cekaycat)
                        • Email (cekay@cekay3d.com)
                        View full details

                        Want a different species?

                        Suggest one below!

                        You can also join my Discord server and discuss new tail ideas.

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